Avocado is a subtropical tree originating from Mexico and Central America, classified as a flowering plant, with two cotyledons, in the Lauraceae family. Humans have been eating avocados since ancient times, evidenced by the discovery of avocado-shaped water vessels in the Chan Chan urban area before the Inca era.
The avocado tree grows about 20 meters tall, with alternating leaves, each leaf measuring 12–25 cm long, inconspicuous flowers, green-yellow in color, with each flower being about 5–10 mm large. The fruit of the avocado tree resembles a pear, measuring 7–20 cm long, weighing between 100g-1 kg. The skin is thin, slightly tough, dark green, and sometimes almost black. When ripe, the flesh inside is soft, pale yellow, resembling butter, with a mild sweet taste. The avocado seed is egg-shaped, measuring 5–6 cm long, located in the center, dark brown in color, and very hard.

Pure avocado powder is made from avocado pulp, preserving the flavor and nutritional value of avocados, making it easier to store and use for a variety of purposes.
Lowering blood pressure, preventing stroke
Potassium is a nutrient that balances body fluids and electrolytes, helping to maintain daily cardiovascular function. Avocados are rich in potassium, containing up to 14% of the daily requirement per 100g, much higher than bananas, oranges... Consuming avocados helps supplement the necessary potassium levels, reducing blood pressure, and alleviating chest pain, strokes.
Good for heart health
The benefit of avocados when absorbed by the body is the increase in HDL cholesterol, a type of good cholesterol that positively affects heart health. According to many studies, regular avocado consumption helps provide beneficial monounsaturated oleic acid for the heart, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and treating lipid-related diseases.

Good for digestion
In 100g of avocado, there are 7g of fiber, accounting for 27% of the body's daily requirement, which is known to nourish beneficial bacteria in the intestines, support digestion, and improve metabolism.
Anti-wrinkle properties
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) in avocados can delay signs of skin aging. EFAs are crucial for lipid tissue synthesis, inhibiting wrinkle formation. Studies have shown that consuming avocados can increase the overall collagen content in the skin. Additionally, avocado oil has been used to heal wounds and diminish wrinkles.
Supports eye health
Avocados contain many antioxidants beneficial for the eyes, including the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which are essential for eye health.
Studies have shown that avocados increase the absorption of antioxidants from accompanying foods, significantly reducing the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration, common in the elderly.

With a variety of nutritional content that brings outstanding health benefits, besides being able to use directly for beauty, avocado pulp is also used as a raw material for the production of confectionery products, bread, drinks, smoothies,...
With over 20 years of experience in cosmetics manufacturing, along with a team of experienced staff and a modern production line, PEROMA ensures compliance with ISO 9001:2015, FSSC 22000, HALAL, KOSHER standards. Proudly recognized as a trustworthy and high-quality fragrance supplier today, PEROMA also offers various natural extracts, concentrated extracts, and natural essential oils at wholesale prices, meeting the diverse needs of customers for personal use or business purposes.
We hope that the informative content shared above has provided you with a better understanding of Avocado powder. Contact to PEROMA for free sample testing and detailed consultations!
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