Winter melon, also known as white gourd or ash gourd, its scientific name is Benincasa hispida. It was originally distributed mainly in Southeast Asia, then spread to South Asia and East Asia.

Winter melon belongs to the gourd family; it is a sun-loving vine, but its fruits can withstand low temperatures; its leaves are shaped like a shield with prickly hairs; the flowers are solitary, yellow in color. When young, winter melon fruits are green with fuzzy hairs. When mature, the fruits turn pale, speckled with white spots and develop a waxy layer. Mature winter melons can grow up to 2m long, cylindrical in shape, with many flat seeds inside. Winter melons are usually grown on trellises but can also be left to sprawl on the ground.
There are many varieties of winter melon. However, it is important to distinguish between winter melon and wax gourd. Wax gourd is a newer variety, cultivated in recent years. Its fruits are usually small, with dark-colored skin, thick light-green flesh, thin, seedless pulp, sour taste, suitable for daily cooking. Meanwhile, winter melon is a larger fruit with light-colored skin and a white powdery layer, thin, white, crisp flesh, thick, seeded pulp, sweeter taste, suitable for making preserves, tea, or beverages.
The chemical composition of winter melon includes water, cellulose, protein, lipids, minerals (Ca, P, Fe,...), and vitamins (C, B1, B2, PP, A,...) beneficial for digestion, cardiovascular health, weight loss... Various parts of winter melon such as the flesh, skin, seeds, stems, leaves, flowers, roots are commonly used as food in soups, teas, preserves, beverages, or medicinal purposes... Additionally, the aroma of winter melon has become a distinctive flavoring and is added to many dishes and beverages to enhance sensory taste.
Recognizing the market demand as mentioned above, PEROMA Vietnam has researched and introduced various product lines:
Winter melon flavor: Available in liquid and powder form, with multiple aroma tones; applied to various products such as winter melon beverages, instant winter melon tea, confectionery, ice cream, jelly, milk tea, etc... to enhance, create, or enhance sensory taste for the final products.
In addition, to enhance the product value and provide convenience, PEROMA Vietnam has researched and launched a series of natural product lines, with main ingredients sourced from the winter melon cultivation areas that have been surveyed and planned by PEROMA Vietnam:
Winter melon concentrate: A viscous liquid product, uniformly dark brown to black in color; composed of winter melon extract, herbs, sugar, acid, etc., concentrated to create distinctive flavor suitable for winter melon beverages, confectionery, ice cream, syrups, etc. Typically, usage concentration is <10% to achieve the characteristic flavor.

Winter melon extract powder: With two product lines, Pure winter melon extract powder and Herbal winter melon extract powder (combining winter melon with monk fruit, pineapple leaves, dendrobium, etc.), these are fine powder products that dissolve in water without containing sugar. With a usage concentration of less than 10%, they impart a distinctive flavor. This product is suitable for instant teas, beverages, confectionery, ice cream, weight-loss foods, etc.
PEROMA Vietnam Co., Ltd specializes in the production of Fragrances, Essential Oils, Botanical Extracts, Liquid Extracts, and Natural Extracts using modern processing technology. We apply quality management systems such as ISO 9001:2015, FSSC 22000, HALAL,... to meet the requirements of the Pharmaceutical, Food, Animal Feed, and Cosmetics industries. Additionally, PEROMA offers custom product design, processing, technical consulting, and technology transfer services.
We hope that with the useful information shared above, you now have a better understanding of Winter melon concentrate and its benefits. Contact PEROMA now to receive free test samples and further detailed information!
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PEROMA Vietnam Co., Ltd.
HCM Hotline: 0919 436 882
Hanoi Hotline: 0918 885 564