Aloe vera originates from North Africa. In Egyptian mythology, Queen Cleopatra used aloe vera to maintain smooth and radiant skin. Meanwhile, the Greek Emperor Alexander used aloe vera to treat wounds for soldiers during distant military campaigns. Inscriptions and drawings found in Egyptian temples dating back over 3000 years ago depict the awareness and utilization of aloe vera. Up to the present day, aloe vera has been proven and recognized for its role and effectiveness in pharmaceuticals, food, and cosmetics.
Aloe vera thrives in regions such as Phan Thiet, Phan Rang, and Phan Ri in Binh Thuan and Ninh Thuan provinces. It is highly resilient to drought and dry heat. Therefore, it is cultivated sporadically across provinces and cities in Vietnam for medicinal purposes or as ornamental plants.

The transparent resinous substance in aloe vera, when condensed, turns black. Analysis of the resin components extracted from aloe vera leaves reveals the presence of several substances:
Amino acids (at least 23 types), vitamins (including B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, folic acid, C, A, E), containing some trace minerals (Na, K, Fe, Ca, P, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, Cr).
Monosaccharides, Polysaccharides such as cellulose, rhamnose, glucose, aldopentose, xylose, galactose, mannose, arabinose, and acemannan, which have antiviral properties and help enhance the body's immune system.
Prostaglandins and unsaturated fatty acids: Gamma linolenic acid, a group of these substances, has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, wound healing properties, promoting rapid healing of non-chronic wounds.
Enzymes: Beneficial for digestion, aiding appetite, and acting as supplements: Lipase, oxidase, Amylase, Catalase, Allnilase...
Anthraquinone group of anthraglycosides: Possessing antioxidant properties, laxative effects, aiding detoxification, and combating constipation…

Beauty Benefits
Due to its numerous miraculous properties, aloe vera has inspired the creation of various cosmetics by herbalists. These cosmetics are formulated using the resin of the aloe vera plant to produce various types of skin care creams. Since the pH of aloe vera gel is similar to the pH of the skin, they have the effect of making the skin radiant and regulating the skin's acidity.
Currently, on the market, there are many cosmetic companies that use the name Aloe vera directly for commercial purposes, offering products such as sunscreen creams, shampoos, skin moisturizers, deodorants, soap, mold inhibitors, shaving creams, and more.

Food Uses
In cuisine, the aloe vera plant is used fresh with sugar or cooked into sweet soup. Some places even use aloe vera to cook soup. Aloe vera is also used as a thickening agent, providing texture to many dishes.
Peroma produces aloe vera powder according to food safety management system standards ISO 9001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000. Additionally, a strict food safety inspection process ensures that the food meets quality and safety standards for consumers. It serves as a source of raw materials for food production, seasoning, and nutritional supplements for the body.
Peroma specializes in producing powdered agricultural products, starches, and raw powders for both domestic and international markets, such as aloe vera powder, pandan leaf powder, green tea powder, mango powder, lime powder, avocado powder, apple powder, pennywort powder, durian powder, tamarind powder, dragon fruit powder, ginger powder, turmeric powder, etc. These are used as ingredients in food production, functional foods, beauty products, seasonings, and medicinal herbs.
With over 20 years of experience, Peroma boasts a team of experienced staff and modern production lines, ensuring ISO 9001, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HALAL, and KOSHER standards. Peroma is considered a reputable and quality extract supplier today. Additionally, Peroma provides various natural essential oils, extracted powder, and food flavorings, cosmetic fragrances at wholesale prices, meeting the needs of use or business operations.
We hope that with the useful information shared above, you now have a better understanding of aloe vera powder and its benefits. Contact PEROMA today to receive free samples and further detailed advice!
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