Carrot powder is a product processed from carrot roots using modern and advanced techniques. The water content is entirely removed to produce a finely dry powder while preserving its nutritional content.

The uses of carrot powder in food
Carrot powder is also considered one of the natural coloring agents used to add color to food and beverages (such as cakes, jams, jellies, porridge, etc.) to enhance visual appeal and attractiveness.
The benefits of carrot powder in beauty care
Skin anti-aging
Hợp chất beta-carotene trong cà rốt giúp hạn chế sự suy giảm của tế bào có hại giúp đẩy lùi sự lão hóa da. Đồng thời làm tăng cường collagen giúp làn da của bạn duy trì độ đàn hồi và chắc khỏe.
Cách dùng: Bột cà rốt hòa với lượng nước ở dạng sền sệt, sau khi rửa sạch mặt thì thoa đều lên mặt, để khoảng 20 phút sau đó rửa sạch bằng nước.
Reduce wrinkles, restore a radiant complexion.
Hợp chất beta-carotene có trong cà rốt sau khi cơ thể hấp thụ sẽ chuyển hóa thành vitamin A giúp ngăn ngừa sự hình thành của các nếp nhăn, chống oxy hóa và làm giảm lão hóa da, giúp da căng mịn, sáng bóng trả lại cho chị em làn da mịn màng, tươi sáng.
Cách dùng: Bột cà rốt, 1 hộp sữa chua trộn đều sau đó bôi đều lên mặt, để nghỉ 20 phút sau đó rửa lại bằng nước sạch.
Supplementing nutrients to make the skin soft and smooth
According to research, carrot’s contribution to soft skin care is primarily due to its beta-carotene content, which converts into vitamin A upon entering the body. This aids in forming a protective barrier and maintaining the skin’s pH level.
Usage: Mix 1 tablespoon of carrot powder, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 egg yolk, and 1/2 tablespoon of flour. Blend the ingredients thoroughly, then apply the mixture onto the face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with clean water afterward.

Carrot powder contains vitamins A and C, minerals beneficial for eyes and skin, along with a high amount of anthocyanins (compounds that create orange-yellow colors). These substances possess anti-inflammatory properties, shield cells from UV damage, potentially reduce the risk of certain cancers, act as antioxidants protecting brain cells, and aid in preventing memory loss-related diseases.
Good for the eyes
According to research, carrots contain a high amount of beta-carotene, which converts into vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is considered very beneficial for the eyes, aiding in maintaining eye health and preventing degeneration.
Helps stabilize blood pressure
Carrots aid in maintaining stable blood pressure due to their high sodium content. Therefore, incorporating carrot-related dishes or carrot powder into your diet regularly can assist in controlling blood pressure, ensuring better health.
Good for cardiovascular health
The compounds like beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, and lutein found in carrots help reduce heart disease risk, prevent strokes, and support optimal heart function.Peroma proudly boasts over 20 years of experience, with a highly skilled team and a modern production line ensuring standards.
Peroma is recognized for providing reliable and high-quality powdered extracts and concentrates. Additionally, Peroma offers a variety of natural essential oils and diverse flavorings at wholesale prices, catering to personal or business needs.
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