The lotus belongs to the perennial aquatic plant species. The lotus root is an enlarged, tuberous rhizome, often shaped like a trumpet, with a brownish-yellow hue. The stem of the lotus emerges from this root, commonly referred to as a rhizome, resembling a cylindrical structure, extending approximately 0.5 - 1.5 meters. It contains numerous air channels forming grooves within. The rhizome is white and sprouts buds at its apex. Lotus leaves grow from the stem, extending above the water's surface, green in color and impermeable to water. The broad round leaves typically have a diameter of about 60 - 70 cm, with their surface displaying radiating veins forming circular patterns. Lotus flowers grow on long stalks similar to the leaves, unfolding multiple layers of overlapping petals. The shape of the lotus petals resembles an upturned boat stacked upon one another. They usually bloom around May to June annually. The flower's petals enfold golden stamens and a floral receptacle. The receptacle holds numerous seeds, each containing cotyledons and the lotus seed embryo.
The lotus root, scientifically known as Rhizoma Nelumbinis, is a vital part of the lotus plant, found as a rhizomatous tuber growing submerged in mud. It has a distinctive appearance with multiple segments swelling and constricting. Each enlarged segment appears spongy and contains several holes. The size of lotus roots typically ranges from 3cm to 5cm.
Lotus roots hold significance not only as a food source but also in traditional folk medicine, particularly in Asian countries like Sri Lanka, India, Japan, China, and Vietnam.

In culinary practices, lotus root is often utilized as an ingredient in many delicious and enticing dishes. It has a sweet and crunchy taste, commonly used in soups, stews, stir-fries, or deep-fried dishes. Particularly, lotus root is favored as an ingredient in traditional lotus root sweet soup, providing a refreshing and distinctive flavor.
Moreover, lotus root is also regarded as a folk remedy with various beneficial properties in traditional medicine. It is believed to have cooling effects, detoxification properties, aid in digestion, reduce inflammation, regulate blood pressure, and support the immune system. Some studies have indicated that lotus root contains antioxidants and compounds with antibacterial properties.
With its nutritional value and diverse medicinal uses, lotus root has become a significant and favored ingredient in the culinary and traditional medical cultures of various Asian countries.
Bên trong 100g củ sen chứa phần lớn là nước( chiếm hàm lượng từ 79,2%), carbohydrate (chiếm 17,23%), protein( chiếm 2,6%) và đặc biệt không chứa lipid. Củ sen khá giàu các chất dinh dưỡng như hàm lượng lớn vitamin nhóm B như B1, B2, B5, vitamin C cũng như các khoáng chất như Na, K, Zn, Mn, Fe, Cu. Hơn hết củ sen còn chứa các hợp chất phenolic được giới khoa học đánh giá như thần dược chống oxy hóa tự nhiên.
Củ sen có tác dụng lớn trong việc hỗ trợ sức khỏe tim mạch do chứa nhiều kali với hạm lượng 363mg kali/100g củ tươi. Kali là nguyên tố vi lượng được chứng minh trong nhiều báo cáo nghiên cứu có tác dụng giúp giãn mạch và giảm renin giúp điều hòa huyết áp. Hơn thế với chế độ ăn thiếu đi kali có thể gây yếu cơ, nhịp tim không đều, dễ thay đổi tâm trạng hoặc buồn nôn. Bên trong củ sen còn chứa nhiều hàm lượng folate và vitamin C đã giúp thành mạch bền vững.
Currently, customers can notice a new trend in the food and beverage market, emphasizing products sourced from plants. Recognizing this trend, particularly the health benefits associated with lotus-based products, PEROMA has conducted research and introduced a line of lotus root powder products.
The lotus root powder offered by PEROMA comes in a fine white to off-white powder form, dissolvable in water, and carries a distinctive sweet and refreshing taste characteristic of lotus root. It's produced from carefully selected raw materials using modern spray-drying technology with brief heat exposure. This process ensures that the lotus root powder retains most of its nutritional components and natural flavor. The dried powder form offers convenience with its small packaging volume, extended shelf life, low transportation costs, and year-round availability.
Lotus root powder can be incorporated into various product lines such as ice cream, preserves, cloudy fruit and vegetable juices, confectionery, and notably, plant-based milk. Usage levels of this powder in food products ranging from 3 to 5% can impart distinct and characteristic flavors.

PEROMA takes pride in over 20 years of experience, boasting a highly skilled R&D team, advanced technology, leading market trends, and state-of-the-art equipment. Our automated production lines ensure compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, HALAL, and KOSHER standards. Regarded as a reputable supplier of reliable and high-quality extracts, we offer various natural essential oils, extracted powders, and diverse wholesale food and cosmetic fragrances to meet diverse business needs. Additionally, PEROMA conducts research to tailor formulations according to specific customer requirements.
Through this article, PEROMA aims to provide customers and readers with a comprehensive understanding of lotus root powder's benefits. We encourage customers to swiftly acquire the highest-quality and most reputable lotus root powder products available on the market from PEROMA!
Contact our HOTLINE or EMAIL for detailed advice and the earliest price quotes.
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